The most rock ‘n roll member of parliament the Netherlands has ever seen, Peter Kwint of the SP, hangs up his jacket and leaves the Chamber. Fully in style, the politician celebrated his farewell party at De Zwarte Ruiter with three hard hitting punk bands.

The Breed

Hardcore punk for cavemen, which is roughly how The Breed describes their own music. It’s hardcore punk with these members of Pressure Pact and Raylin, who have locked themselves in their rehearsal room until this gore-filled shit noise dripped out through all the joints.

Seein Red

The politically engaged punk trio Seein Red have been together since 1980. After being in several bands, the band was formed in 1989 from the remnants of the band Lärn. The songs are short, fast, hard and pointed and all the music is recorded and released by the musicians themselves. You can’t really get more punk.

Pressure Pact

It’s it, it’s negative and it’s hard; Pressure Pact’s music will knock you out in seconds. The Tilburg/Eindhoven band is not averse to hardcore punk and it shows in everything. At 180 per hour right through you and if there is a shortcut, Pressure Pact will take it.


De Rooie Jager

From Lowlands to BKS and of course also at the Zwarte Cross, everywhere De Rooie Jager has turned the venue into a swirling mass of weirdos. From Heino to hardcore, from Slayer to schlager and from Metallica to sing-alongs, everything passes by with this phenomenon from Klazienaveen. Dancing, pounding and euphoric shouting follow one another in rapid succession.




zaterdag 2 maart